Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

I bought this cute block décor, but realize that its flowery words actually irk me. “Bloom where you are planted” is meant to conjure a visual reminder to flourish within our present season and circumstance, without comparing or competing or striving for what we don’t 

A Very Covid Foster Process

A Very Covid Foster Process

Between my lackluster performance as a homeschool mom distance learning aid, and my recent inability to operate a calendar, I’ve been a bit behind on our foster adoption updates! When social distancing first began in March, we were just two classes away from finishing our 

5 Ways to Be a Bridge (Pursue Unity in a Culture of Division)

5 Ways to Be a Bridge (Pursue Unity in a Culture of Division)

Martin Luther said, “Let’s build bridges, not walls.” We can layer our differences like so many bricks until we’re unable to see those with whom we disagree.  Or…we can pick up the much more pliable construction material called common ground and use it to connect 

Agencies, Social Workers and Adoption Types (Oh My!)

Agencies, Social Workers and Adoption Types (Oh My!)

Once you truly understand your own story and why you want to pursue adoption, you will have a clearer sense of what TYPE of adoption makes sense for you. There are two basic categories of adoption*, with many subsets: DOMESTIC ADOPTION and INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION.   (*A 

Adoption Starts With a Story

Adoption Starts With a Story

November is National Adoption Month and I’m celebrating big on my blog! Maybe you’ve always wanted to adopt but your questions so far outweigh your answers that you wouldn’t know where to start.  If that’s you, I hope you’ll find encouragement, practical advice, and some resources 

To Kill a Brother

To Kill a Brother

“Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.” The last time I felt so sick to my stomach over racism was in a little town in South Carolina where my Memaw used to live.  We’d driven down to visit her and on a whim decided to take