Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

I bought this cute block décor, but realize that its flowery words actually irk me. “Bloom where you are planted” is meant to conjure a visual reminder to flourish within our present season and circumstance, without comparing or competing or striving for what we don’t 

You.  The Brave Pioneer.

You. The Brave Pioneer.

Do you ever feel like you can’t quite find the category that you fit into? I’m currently doing a Facebook live video series with my dad on women in the church to facilitate a healthy discussion on God’s heart, our response, and why any of 

You Homeschool Too

You Homeschool Too

Today I started my second year of homeschooling my kids.  I’m not a saint- really homeschooling is just trading some problems for others.  When my daughter went to public kindergarten, mornings were essentially a drill to see how late we could get up without missing the bus. 

Walk With the Wise

Walk With the Wise

So I was with a friend talking this week and she said something that struck me as profound.  Thinking back, all she really did was tell a personal piece of her story that was not actually meant to be advice to me in all likelihood.