The Emptiness Came First

The Emptiness Came First

Good Friday and Easter Sunday represent vastly different tones. Friday was bleak and somber death while Sunday was glorious and triumphant resurrection. But both days actually have something in common: the emptiness came first. The day that Jesus died, His followers would take His body 

Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue

I’m starting to think that most of the decisions I’ve agonized over this year could just as well have been decided by flipping a damn coin. It’s all very Robert Frost, road less traveled, psychological torment. We are months into homeschooling our kids, and there 

Our Family Christmas Letter: Mom-Log 2020

Our Family Christmas Letter: Mom-Log 2020

JANUARY 2020 They say “hindsight is 2020” but I say we’ve got clear, 2020 vision starting right now.  I’m planning my phrase of the year- I can’t decide between “unfettered possibilities” or “soaring joy”.  Hm…maybe both!   FEBRUARY 2020 We just had such a crowd of 

Adding Our Rules to God Decreases Our Need for God

Adding Our Rules to God Decreases Our Need for God

I’m noticing a disturbing trend as I allow God to dismantle and rearrange the Christianity I grew up with. I was talking with friends last night- the cumulative venting of parenting, faith and our current versions of isolation. My friend and I lamented that as