Tag: Jesus feminist

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

I bought this cute block décor, but realize that its flowery words actually irk me. “Bloom where you are planted” is meant to conjure a visual reminder to flourish within our present season and circumstance, without comparing or competing or striving for what we don’t 

Gendered Language and God

Gendered Language and God

As ownership of individual pronouns becomes normative, the idea of gendered language has become more intriguing to me. I ran into this unexpected article by CBE titled A Non-Gendered or Gender-Inclusive Faith: Lessons from Finnish and German. I was floored by the unexpected ramifications of 

Why The Church Needs More Ruth Bader Ginsburgs

Why The Church Needs More Ruth Bader Ginsburgs

We tend to accept the world we’re born into until we bump into inconsistencies or stories that don’t fit into the narrative we’ve believed. This is true whether we’re absorbing messages from our family about finances, input from our church on “acceptable” questions, ideals from 

From Silent to Speaker

From Silent to Speaker

People are often surprised when I tell them I still get nervous before I speak in front of churches or groups. Sure, those nerves can point us inward in fear that we won’t be enough, but they can point us outward to dependence on the