Tag: following God

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

I bought this cute block décor, but realize that its flowery words actually irk me. “Bloom where you are planted” is meant to conjure a visual reminder to flourish within our present season and circumstance, without comparing or competing or striving for what we don’t 

Adding Our Rules to God Decreases Our Need for God

Adding Our Rules to God Decreases Our Need for God

I’m noticing a disturbing trend as I allow God to dismantle and rearrange the Christianity I grew up with. I was talking with friends last night- the cumulative venting of parenting, faith and our current versions of isolation. My friend and I lamented that as 

Church: Is There Room for Brokenness in Our Journey?

Church: Is There Room for Brokenness in Our Journey?

My friend once wrote about bitterness as though it were an old friend; a necessary part of his journey to wholeness. That rubs me the wrong way at first, because it goes against everything I’ve ever believed about my brokenness. I’ve never thanked bitterness, just