Resentment: A Bridge to Nowhere

Resentment: A Bridge to Nowhere

Does anyone else feel like they are looping through the Covid version of the stages of grief? When it first started, I was in denial. I naively believed that at the other end of that three-month long quarantine rainbow, I’d be able to return to 

Adding Our Rules to God Decreases Our Need for God

Adding Our Rules to God Decreases Our Need for God

I’m noticing a disturbing trend as I allow God to dismantle and rearrange the Christianity I grew up with. I was talking with friends last night- the cumulative venting of parenting, faith and our current versions of isolation. My friend and I lamented that as 

When the World Doesn’t Fit Neatly Inside the Lines of Our Faith

When the World Doesn’t Fit Neatly Inside the Lines of Our Faith

At thirty-three years old, I feel like I’m “unlearning” as much as I’m learning. It’s no secret that I live and breathe in the gray- I’m repelled by answers that leave no margin for questions, exceptions, or error. Social media overwhelms me with its sea 

How Sadie Robertson and an Angsty Nine Year Old Made Me Blog About the Perfect Christian Parenting Myth

How Sadie Robertson and an Angsty Nine Year Old Made Me Blog About the Perfect Christian Parenting Myth

Have you ever been a hater of perfectly nice strangers? I recently watched an online Christian conference where Sadie Robertson (Huff) shared a heartfelt Bible message. Afterwards, the conference facilitator said that a girl [like Sadie] doesn’t “turn out like this by accident”; he praised 

When Our Gospel Locks People Out

When Our Gospel Locks People Out

The church is a powerful, God-designed agent of His Kingdom on earth. When the body of Christ responds in fullness of sacrificial surrender to God and others, the church is the catalyst for the fruit of the Spirit made manifest within creation. Yet the church 

Adaptability and the Root in the Rock

Adaptability and the Root in the Rock

I shuffled into a line at my daughter’s school behind other parents, each concealing our emotions over the coronavirus with varying degrees of success. One woman barely made eye contact while murmuring, “I can’t believe this is happening.” Some were quiet; others, like myself, were 

Signing Over the Rights to My Life

Signing Over the Rights to My Life

Recently I entered a contest where I had to create a holiday greeting of gratitude using Canva‘s graphic-design tools. I don’t usually sign up for contests like this, but the prize was pretty amazing: two plane tickets to virtually anywhere. (And I figured even if 

The Adoption Advent

The Adoption Advent

The Christmas Advent tradition has become entangled with the slow, out-of-control adoption theme in my life. It’s fitting that I’m writing this in the first days of advent, when we embrace the expectation of a child planned and promised ages before His due date. Generations