When the World Doesn’t Fit Neatly Inside the Lines of Our Faith

When the World Doesn’t Fit Neatly Inside the Lines of Our Faith

At thirty-three years old, I feel like I’m “unlearning” as much as I’m learning. It’s no secret that I live and breathe in the gray- I’m repelled by answers that leave no margin for questions, exceptions, or error. Social media overwhelms me with its sea 

10 Isolation Confessions: Some Humor for Those at Home

10 Isolation Confessions: Some Humor for Those at Home

You guys…. (Sorry. I totally just lost my train of thought. Nope- that’s not even true. My train of thought derailed about two weeks ago, and is probably stuck in a ditch or river somewhere. I looked up images for derailed trains; it’s not pretty.) 

If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

The other night I made an off-handed comment to my brother that I had to upload my pictures to facebook “because otherwise what’s the point of taking them?”  I wasn’t completely serious, but in one of those awful moments of instant self-realization, I knew that 

Friend Me

Friend Me

I have been thinking a lot about friendships lately.  Relationships always seem to be fluctuating and changing- so fluid at times that it can be difficult to feel secure with friends.  I marvel at my wedding- almost four and a half years ago- and how 

Don’t Take it Personally, Facebook

Don’t Take it Personally, Facebook

This week a friend posted an article on Facebook that dealt with what was termed “Facebook Envy”.  The whole premise of the article is that many view Facebook as a stressful environment because they feel jealous of pictures and posts of their friends’ relationships, vacations,