Tag: millennial Christian

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

Bloom Where You’re Transplanted

I bought this cute block décor, but realize that its flowery words actually irk me. “Bloom where you are planted” is meant to conjure a visual reminder to flourish within our present season and circumstance, without comparing or competing or striving for what we don’t 

Gendered Language and God

Gendered Language and God

As ownership of individual pronouns becomes normative, the idea of gendered language has become more intriguing to me. I ran into this unexpected article by CBE titled A Non-Gendered or Gender-Inclusive Faith: Lessons from Finnish and German. I was floored by the unexpected ramifications of 

When Our Gospel Locks People Out

When Our Gospel Locks People Out

The church is a powerful, God-designed agent of His Kingdom on earth. When the body of Christ responds in fullness of sacrificial surrender to God and others, the church is the catalyst for the fruit of the Spirit made manifest within creation. Yet the church