Tag: Advent

The Adoption Advent

The Adoption Advent

The Christmas Advent tradition has become entangled with the slow, out-of-control adoption theme in my life. It’s fitting that I’m writing this in the first days of advent, when we embrace the expectation of a child planned and promised ages before His due date. Generations 

Advent Video Series on God’s Promises

Advent Video Series on God’s Promises

I hope you’ve all enjoyed your Christmas day! Here at our house we’re knee deep into our lego sets and puzzles, and I’m already dipping into my coffee loot. But what did you expect? Despite feeling a bit under the weather, I’ve truly been savoring 

Prepare Him Room: What my Christmas Tree Taught Me

Prepare Him Room: What my Christmas Tree Taught Me

Are you one of those people who keeps their Christmas décor up so long into the New Year that Valentine’s Day starts biting her nails hoping you won’t forget her?  Although I take down my Christmas things early in January, a few holiday items always