Dear Husband, [Insert Sappy Title Here]

Dear Husband, [Insert Sappy Title Here]

Dear Husband, I don’t know how to start this letter.  I thought about using some sappy music line about you lift me up to soar or fly or generally be airborne.  Like one of the lines from this song: Except I know that’s not exactly 

Dear Husband, I Can Explain…

Dear Husband, I Can Explain…

Husband of mine, when you get home you may have a few minor questions for me.  You know, mostly revolving around when and why the sanity left our home. While I’m not able to fully answer that without a lawyer present, I can at least 

Immature Mom Moment?

Immature Mom Moment?

My counselor asked me once why I always feel behind.  Oh gracious, I could write a book about that. But it all starts with intending to wake up before my children, and snoozing in just a few extra peaceful minutes only to find one of them waking me 

Hiding from Vacation (Vaca Day 6)

Hiding from Vacation (Vaca Day 6)

Well CT, Tomorrow we’ll be returning to you and I’m starting to feel it.  The “it” of swimming in anything but normal, without the floatie of routine or consistency.  I’m feeling the lack of sleep, and questioning the sanity of my decision to combine a back to back late evening of gaming 

Mom Vacation Confessions (Day 2)

Mom Vacation Confessions (Day 2)

Hello Again CT, I really should have mentioned where we were headed in my last update.  Oops.  Mom details.  As I write this now, we’ve arrived at our destination: Virginia Beach! Our morning in the hotel was basically… The Good: The waffle machine worked!!  Free 

When Your Role-Shifter is Stuck

When Your Role-Shifter is Stuck

I’m a wife- a mom- a sister- a writer- a coffee drinker- a fan of Tom Selleck. (But that’s probably for another post.)  I’m lots of things simultaneously, because…well, aren’t we all?  Some of who I am overlaps neatly: coffee, for instance, can work quite 

Save Your Marriage with Bad Day Points

Save Your Marriage with Bad Day Points

Life is just difficult sometimes, and in a marriage I’ve quickly learned that both myself and my husband have down days.  The real problem is when we both have a down day on the same day.  It’s one thing if he comes home from work 

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

Dear Husband, Sometimes when you come home from work I seem frustrated.  Sometimes I attack you with too many complaints about screwing on the soda lids so darn tight, or I greet you quickly between throwing sauce on a pizza and sending one of the