To Call God a Liar

To Call God a Liar

There’s nothing quite like a good bout of discouragement. You can’t help breathing in the sweet aroma of suffering, savoring each sip of uncertainty. Nothing beats the warm fuzzies of financial or medical crisis, or the melodious moments of family division and dissonance. We can’t 

Embrace YOUR Story: Reasons for Adopting

Embrace YOUR Story: Reasons for Adopting

“Do you want to have your tubes tied?”  I was 23 years old and pregnant with my second child when my doctor asked me this question.  No, she wasn’t being insensitive or doubting my ability to parent more children.  But after watching my journey through 

Dear Husband, [Insert Sappy Title Here]

Dear Husband, [Insert Sappy Title Here]

Dear Husband, I don’t know how to start this letter.  I thought about using some sappy music line about you lift me up to soar or fly or generally be airborne.  Like one of the lines from this song: Except I know that’s not exactly 

Son of a Beach (9 Problems With Paradise: Vaca Day 4)

Son of a Beach (9 Problems With Paradise: Vaca Day 4)

Don’t judge me CT….I love the ocean- really I do.  But there are just a few minor issues I have with paradise.  So I made a quick list:1. Rental coffee cups. (The one of the left.) For some reason, most of the lake-house or cottage rentals I’ve 

Unraveled (Friend Post Friday #3)

Unraveled (Friend Post Friday #3)

I’m beyond thrilled for you to meet my friend Sharon Butler who is this month’s “Friend Poster”.  I’d introduce her myself, but I can’t beat her own beautifully spoken bio…so the rest is Sharon: —————————————————————————————————————————————–   These days, I am the wife of a crazy redheaded 

The Inconsistencies of My Heart

The Inconsistencies of My Heart

If you’re feeling discouraged, left out or abandoned by God, unheard or unnoticed, this post is for you.  It’s one of my journal entries from this month, and I wrote it as though God were speaking it to me…I believe He impressed it on my 

Inside Chronic

Inside Chronic

Chronic.  If you’ve ever been diagnosed with something “chronic”…ongoing, possibly worsening over time…it changes you.  The simple fact of living with something that will not go away UNTIL death- that’s hard to embrace.  Puts a different spin on life.  Though oddly, in embracing my chronic 

(Hope in) Wearing my Disease

(Hope in) Wearing my Disease

  I don’t usually ask for jewelry.  My mother-in-law seems to know exactly what necklaces to buy me, and my mom lends me jewelry indefinitely forever, so I have a cute little collection going.  But it’s not something I want to spend a lot of